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Infrared Heating
Why Infrared?
InfraRed heating is a new heating technology that is in its infancy in the UK.
It can be used in commercial and domestic buildings and has been proven to remove damp in older housing stock.

What is InfraRed Heating?
InfraRed Heating Panels work by providing electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the naked eye. Rather than heating the air – like traditional gas, oil and electric systems – infrared heats the very fabric of your building. The biggest source of natural infrared radiation and heat is our sun, and it is the infrared radiation that means you can feel its heat on your skin even during winter. Infrared heating operates in the same way, allowing all objects the infrared waves touch to absorb the infrared heat, including yourself, and then it slowly release it back into space.

What are the benefits?
Infrared panels produce almost instant heat
Can be controlled via a smart phone or laptop
Cost Effective
Individual areas/rooms can be controlled separately via their own room thermostat
No dust circulation with Infrared panels (helpful for asthmatics and people with allergies)
Infrared panels help reduce mould
Simpler and cheaper to install than wet central heating systems
Maximises living space
High Quality and low maintenance
Energy Efficient
Choice of finishes available including mirror finish or picture images
How efficient is infrared?
The process is 100% energy efficient, delivering significant energy and cost saving benefits. This means that an infrared heating system is much more efficient than more traditional heating methods, as all infrared rays would be absorbed by objects around the home or building and none is wasted. The reason that people are able to survive in areas where the air itself is extremely cold is due to infrared rays from the sun heating their bodies, which proves that heating air, as a traditional heating system does, is not the most efficient way to ensure your home is warmed efficiently.

Saving Energy Example
A 30Kw gas boiler would be needed for a 3-4 bed house. At 20.00p per Kwh, that’s £6.00 per hour. For 8 hours, that’s £48.00. Obviously, the boiler won’t be working at full blast all the time, so let’s call that £40 a day.
With infrared, about 8 or 9 panels would be needed for a 3-4 bed house, using about 4 kW of power. At 20p per kW, that’s 80p per hour. For 8 hours, that’s £6.40 a day. So, even using the cheapest form of conventional energy, mains gas, energy saving costs are much higher.
As a further example, in a commercial building with an old and expensive to run gas heating system connected to wet radiators, heating rooms with high ceilings, the cost of keeping the building warm for various activities will be quite high.
Using traditional radiators was not right for the high ceiling rooms where all of the warm air rises to the top of the building leaving those using the rooms cold and the cost of heating astronomically high.
To solve the problem, the old wet radiator heating system was swapped out for infrared heating panels. These new infrared heating panels now heat the people and the objects in the room and not the air. As they don’t heat the air this saves a lot of energy in heating high ceiling buildings.
The environmental credentials of infrared Heating Panels come from the near 50% reduction in energy required to heat the building to the same comfort levels.
Some buildings are able to offset some of the electricity used for the heating by also installing solar PV, and feeding it back into the grid in the summer months making the site as a whole, quite carbon neutral.